Motion passed to establish Portmore as Jamaica’s 15th parish

Racquel McKenzie

3 years ago

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The House of Representatives has approved the motion that is geared towards establishing Portmore as the 15th parish of Jamaica.

The motion, which was granted in yesterday’s sitting, followed the conclusion of the debate on the report of the Joint Select Committee which considered the motion.

Additionally, the motion to establish the new parish was also unanimously supported in the House after being debated during the two settings of the legislative body.

As it stands, the matter will now go before the Cabinet for consideration and if approved by that body, will return to the Parliament for the necessary statute to be enacted.

Additionally, the law establishing Portmore as a parish will also determine its boundaries as well as designate the capital of the new parish.

Meanwhile, MP for St Catherine South Central and chair of the Joint Select Committee, Dr Andrew Wheatley, noted that he expects the process to be completed before the next local government election.