Telecommunications Act: Flow pleased with pending legislative changes

Shannon-Dale Reid

1 year ago

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Stephen Price Flow Jamaica General Manager

The announcement made by Technology Minster Daryl Vaz, last week, to table legislation to address acts of theft and vandalism of telecommunications infrastructure is music to the ears of Flow Jamaica.

While making his sectoral debate presentation in parliament on Wednesday, Vaz said legislation seeking to increase the penalties and custodial sentences within all the legislation is expected to be tabled before the end of the year.

The Minister noted that amendments will be made to the Telecommunications Act, to strengthen the legislation to impose higher fines and custodial sentences for offences that may constitute acts of vandalism, to include trespass upon any telecommunications facility and meddling, interfering or tampering with or otherwise causing harm to the facility.

Flow, which has consistently been a victim of such, applauded the government for the effort and awaiting the changes.

According to the telecommunications company’s Vice President and General Manager, Stephen Price, Flow have long advocated for these legislative changes and commend Minister Vaz and his team for getting the nation to this point. 

He added that “it is our hope that the process will be expedited and that we will see the swift implementation of the updated legislation before the end of the year”.

Flow has to date experienced 695 acts of theft and vandalism last year with over 50 incidents already recorded since 2023.