Actor and Comedian Kevin Hart is set to release his own animated series based on his younger self called “Lil Kev”.
The semi-autobiographic comedic series which is set to air on BET Plus
“What happens when you mix a 90’s Philly with a young me with a wild imagination? Hart excitedly shared as part of his announcement of the upcoming show via social media on Monday.
The post was accompanied by the official graphic for the show, which gives a very nuanced yet retro feel as a foreshadowing of the show’s look.
The show that follows a pre-teen Kevin throughout his adventurous childhood will see fellow comics Wanda Skyes and Deon Cole play his tough-love mom, Nancy, and jovial uncle.
The show follows a similar adaption of Chris Rock’s iconic series “Every Hates Chris,” which gives a comedic recap of his life growing up in Bedstuy, New York, during the 80s, with the show’s reboot now in animated form on Comedy Central.
No official date has been announced for Lil Kev’s Premier.