Roman Catholics who were concerned about taking COVID 19 vaccines developed from research using cells from aborted fetuses can rest assured that they will not commit a sin taking such vaccines. The Vatican has declared that it is “morally acceptable” for Roman Catholics to take such vaccines. This may come as a surprise to many Catholics and non-Catholics alike given the church’s vehement stance against abortion; it is a sin.
According to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, “diverse and sometimes conflicting pronouncements have be made on the matter.” However, the Vatican has concluded that, “It is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 Vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in the research and production process when “ethically irreproachable” vaccines aren’t available to the public.” It is not clear if the pronouncement will be reversed whenever an ‘ethically sound vaccine’ is developed.
Interestingly, an official member of the U.S Bishop’s conference has said that getting vaccinated against the coronavirus “ought to be understood as an act of charity toward the other members of our community.” Perhaps the conscience of Catholics can be appeased then, since even if it is a sin to take vaccines developed from the cell line of aborted fetuses, it is sinning for a worthy cause.