Golding says Holness must adjust his behavior

Shannon-Dale Reid

2 years ago

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The leader of the opposition Mark Golding says the Prime Minister’s behaviour is “irritated” and “unhinged,” suggesting that he is concerned about the wrong things.

While speaking at the People’s National Party’s press conference on Tuesday, Golding highlighted several things he has observed with the recent utterances of PM Andrew Holness and says “What should bun him is the level of crime in this country! The state of education in this country! The cost of living in this country! The state of healthcare in this country!”

Also, he says “The state of public sector workers and their salaries!” should be the concerns of the government and “Not people sharing how they feel on social media.”

This follows the recently released Don Anderson poll which showed the PNP ahead of the governing Jamaica Labour Party.

It says if an election were to be called today 30.2% of Jamaicans would vote for the PNP, this is an increase from 18% in 2022.

While 25% would vote for the Jamaica Labour Party down from 31% in 2022.

Additionally, the poll says 53.3% of Jamaicans believe that Jamaica is going in the wrong direction and an additional 31.1% think there has been no change.

Golding says to JLP leader and Prime Minister “Wake up Andrew” and “Time Come we need a New Direction.”

The JLP has not replied to the Opposition Leader however the JLP Chair in charge of Communications, Robert Nesta Morgan states that the poll is “misleading.”