Missouri man detained after fatally beating 6-year-old with a baseball bat

Racquel A. McKenzie

2 years ago

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Image Credit- Law and Crime

A 37-year-old man was detained by Missouri authorities for bludgeoning his 6-year-old daughter to death with an aluminum baseball bat on Friday September 2.

The accused Dustin Beechner currently is charged with a felony count of child abuse resulting in death ,for allegedly fatally beating Jozlyn Marie Beechner, whose body was found by police on Sept. 2 on the roof of their St. Joseph home.

A probable cause statement revealed that the deceased died from blunt force trauma and that her body had been placed on Beechner’s roof underneath a white sheet.

Further reports also outlined that Beechner reportedly led investigators Jozlyn’s body but tried to make a narrow escape.

Following his first appearance in court last week, the accused has since been denied bond after he attempted to persuade a High Court Judge to demit charges on the basis of his good behavior prior to the incident.

The Judge however rubbished the notion by stating that anything he said in front of the prosecution could be used against him during a trial.