The history C-sections

4 years ago

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April is observed as C-section awareness month. The procedure dates back to Rome when the process of Cesarean Sections took place to save babies while the mother had already been dead.

This was the main reason for C-sections for many generations, where the only reason would be to save the baby in situations where the mother was already dead.

For centuries women were not expected to survive the procedure however, the first recorded case of a mother surviving the surgery was in the 1580s in Switzerland where a pig gelder claims to have performed the operation on his wife after she showed no signs of going into labour- She survived the operation.

The advancements of medicine in the 1800s made C-sections safer for mothers. Queen Victoria used chloroform as a form of anaesthetic during the birth of Prince Leopoldo in 1853 and this paved the way for its use in C-section.

Back then, the womb wound would not be closed and many women lost their lives or had infections. The removal of wombs also took place to help preserve lives but that was still not much safer for many women.

The use of sutures started in 1882, by German obstetricians, Adolf Kehrer and Max Sänger each developed methods for preventing uterine bleeding by using suture to close the wound. These advancements helped the process and therefore paved the way for C-sections in the 21st century.